5 Tips for Selecting a Power Quality Analyzer

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Power quality analyzers are multi-functional devices designed to measure the power flow in electrical systems. Although these sophisticated instruments are used in many applications and industries, there is no universal solution to every power measurement challenge.

Dranetz Power Quality Analyzers are available to buy or rent at Lakeland, and we are here to provide you with the power analyzer that will best fit your needs.

There are several factors to consider when selecting which Dranetz Power Analyzer is best for you and your needs. Here are five important tips:

  1. Accuracy – Measurement accuracy is fundamental when you’re optimizing the performance of an electric inverter, motor, or drivetrain. You generate more credible results by driving down measurement uncertainty. This improves the value proposition of your system. Selecting an analyzer with the best base power accuracy available is an investment in the long-term future of your products and solutions.
  2. Number and Type of Inputs – How many channels do you need? The modular approach to simultaneous acquisition of electrical and mechanical signals means that your analyzer can be expanded with further signal acquisition modules or additional power input channels. When buying a power analyzer, make sure your investment is future-proof.
  3. Dynamic Power Measurement – Most power analyzers are designed specifically to measure steady-state systems (like the electric power grid). But what about dynamic systems such as electric vehicle drivetrains? When you want to measure transient power changes during load-steps, run-ups, and run-downs, you need an analyzer that delivers accurate results during dynamic load changes. Make sure your analyzer has been designed for the task at hand.
  4. Raw Data Storage and Analysis – Storing raw data is a prerequisite when you need to audit your measurements, or if you are looking to dive deep into your control algorithms. By storing data from tests, you can recalculate and validate your power results at any time. Real-time analysis of space vectors and DQ0 transformation enables you to verify your control algorithms. Choosing the right power analyzer avoids the costs of additional hardware and saves you the time and effort of re-running tests.
  5. Real-time Results – A standard read-out after making power measurements may be sufficient for some users. But what about engineers with more exacting requirements, who need to visualize data, perform custom calculations or generate results in real-time? When you choose a power analyzer with full data transfer to automation systems and refresh rates of up to 2,000 times per second, you get results when you need them.

Contact Lakeland Engineering

Need further assistance or have questions regarding which power quality analyzer is best for your needs? Get in contact with our experts for guidance by emailing us at sales@lakelandengineering.com or give us a call at 855.544.0321.

2023-03-17T15:19:37+00:00October 14th, 2021|Informational, Rentals, Services|

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