News & Events

20 06, 2020

COVID-19 Safety Plans and Helping Our Community

2020-06-30T19:55:37+00:00June 20th, 2020|News|

Lakeland has been operating as an essential business throughout the COVID-19 pandemic while making shifts in our operations, working spaces and hygienic guidelines to ensure the safety of our customers and employees. Many of our staff including our outside sales team has been working remotely during this time. As businesses begin to implement their safety plans and incrementally open their doors, the Lakeland team is ready to provide application assistance safely and at a distance. [...]

16 06, 2020

Employee Spotlight on Brent Miller, Sales Engineer

2020-06-26T15:12:57+00:00June 16th, 2020|Employees|

Lakeland’s Sales Engineer for North Dakota and NW Minnesota This month’s employee spotlight features Brent Miller, Sales Engineer and Outside Sales Manager based out of North Dakota. Brent has been with Lakeland for nearly five years. During this time he has been a great asset to the organization and has formed lasting relationships within his sales territory. Brent graduated from Moorhead High School in 2003 and received his degree in [...]

1 06, 2020

Got Custom? Delta Fabricating Custom Electrical Enclosures

2023-03-24T15:40:23+00:00June 1st, 2020|News, Services|

Electrical enclosures are vital to the safety of personnel and the electrical components inside of the enclosure. While standard, off-the-shelf enclosures do meet the needs of many companies, there are also a large number of companies that require customized enclosures for their specific applications. Lakeland supplies metallic and non-metallic customized electrical enclosures designed to your specifications from industry-leading manufacturers. These enclosure manufacturers bring unique offerings to the table that provide our customers with quality, expert application assistance, and [...]

10 04, 2020

Shop Lakeland Engineering Equipment Co. Online

2020-04-10T19:38:51+00:00April 10th, 2020|News|

Shop Electrical Components Online from Your Local Distributor  Lakeland Engineering Equipment Co. recently launched an online shop to offer an additional solution to placing electrical component orders, researching and comparing products and saving time on order entry. Lakeland has always been committed to providing the best possible customer service and application assistance, which includes ensuring the ordering preferences of all customers are met. Features of the Lakeland Engineering Equipment Co. [...]

8 04, 2020

New PULS Redundant Power Supply Series and Models

2020-04-10T19:45:31+00:00April 8th, 2020|Informational, New Products|

PULS power supplies recently released seven new models of the CP5 power supply series along with additions to their CP10 and CP20 redundant power supplies. The use of the PULS product line reduces energy consumption, provides greater mounting space and a high energy efficiency ratings. Shop PULS product online. New CP5 PULS Power Supplies The new PULS CP5 series is available in 120W, 12, 24 and 48VDC in 32mm wide housing. The innovative series [...]

8 04, 2020

Summer is Coming in Hot, Protect Your Electrical Enclosures

2020-04-10T18:24:37+00:00April 8th, 2020|Informational, News|

Pfannenberg Thermal Management Solutions Summer is coming in hot, plan ahead with thermal management solutions to keep your equipment up and running by protecting the electrical components inside of your electrical enclosures. Heat, humidity, condensation and debris can all cause interference within an electrical enclosure. Ensuring that thermal management solutions and electrical equipment are correctly set-up inside of electrical enclosures while performing preventative maintenance can eliminate component degradation and factory downtime. The top tips for [...]

2 04, 2020

Welcome Lakeland’s New Senior Sales Engineer, Jim Sorman

2020-04-08T16:38:13+00:00April 2nd, 2020|News|

Lakeland would like to welcome our new Senior Sales Engineer for LEECo MN, Jim Sorman. Although Jim has only been with Lakeland for a short time now, he’s been a part of the Lakeland family since 2001 when he was a manufacturers’ representative working with the Lakeland team. That was the start of building a great relationship with team which continued to grow throughout his other roles within the industrial automation industry. Jim brings a [...]

1 04, 2020

New Product: Crouzet Universal Digital Timer

2020-04-08T17:43:29+00:00April 1st, 2020|New Products|

Crouzet recently released the new Syr-Line Universal Digital Timer that is simple to use and program, precise, flexible and offers all of the functions needed for your application. The high-contrast LED screen allows users to monitor the status of the timer, see the current time, the function and timing configurations, as well as if you are receiving an input signal or if the relay output is activated. Benefits of the [...]

26 03, 2020

We Will Remain Open as an Essential Business

2020-03-26T13:38:43+00:00March 26th, 2020|News|

The safety of our customers, suppliers, employees, and vendors is the highest priority to Lakeland Engineering Equipment Company. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, MN as well as many other states across the country have issued executive stay-at-home orders. Lakeland is considered part of critical infrastructure by the Department of Homeland Security, and as a result we will continue operations without interruption. We understand that our customers within the critical industries we serve rely [...]

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