AEMC Ground Resistance Testers – Available for Rent at Lakeland

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For all of your Ground Integrity Testing needs

Whether you are doing a simplified 2-Point, a more complete 3- or 4-Point Fall-of-Potential test, a soil resistivity test or a touch potential test, AEMC® has the right instrument for you. Our revolutionary Clamp-On Ground Resistance Tester will save you both time and money.

Whichever AEMC® ground tester you choose, you can count on it to be the highest quality, the most complete package and the simplest to learn to use.

Grounding electrode systems have several protection applications:

For natural phenomena, such as lightning, grounds are used to discharge current from the system to protect people from possible injury or system components from potential damage.

For faults in electric power systems with ground returns, grounds help ensure rapid operation of the protection relays by providing low-resistance fault current paths. This provides for the removal of the foreign potential as quickly as possible. The ground should drain the foreign potential before people are injured and the power or communications system is damaged.

For maintaining a reference potential for instrument safety, protect against static electricity, and limit the system to frame voltage for operator safety, a ground resistance should be zero ohms. In reality, this value is difficult to obtain.

Lastly, for low ground resistance, it is essential to meet NEC ®, OSHA and other electrical safety standards

AEMC 6417 Ground Resistance Tester

AEMC 6471 Ground Resistance Tester

AEMC 6416 Clamp-On Ground Resistance Tester with Alarm and Memory

Contact Us

Lakeland Engineering can assist you with renting cost-effective Ground Resistance Testers. Contact our sales team for more information.

2023-03-15T21:05:28+00:00February 14th, 2023|Informational, Rentals, Shop|

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