3 02, 2017

Kitting Services

2017-02-03T14:37:16+00:00February 3rd, 2017|News, Services|

Lakeland does all it can to provide our customers with services and solutions that save them time and money. One example is our kitting services. Kitting is the process in which individually separate but related electrical components are packaged together as one unit and SKU. For example, when ordering a control system, Lakeland might send you an enclosure, back panel, power supply, transformer, push buttons and pilot lights as one kit. Lakeland then creates a customized [...]

19 11, 2016

Lakeland Services: More than Meets the Eye

2018-11-20T22:03:05+00:00November 19th, 2016|Services|

Lakeland Services: More than Meets the Eye. Lakeland is more than a parts and components distributor. We are also a full service provider. Need troubleshooting advice or a product recommendation? Give us a call. We are expert consultants who have decades worth of experience in everything electrical. Need engineering design for a control system or industrial software integration? We can help! We can also provide you with equipment testing, instrument calibration, industrial signage services, and [...]

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