Smarter with SENSERT

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ATC/Diversified Products Made “Smarter” With SENSERT

Do you have to physically monitor products to ensure they’re working properly? Do you spend time conducting onsite readings or manual reporting? Have you ever had equipment malfunction or completely shut down without warning?

If any of the above sounds familiar, then you could benefit from pairing products with SENSERT. SENSERT is a remote, cloud-based process monitoring and alert system.

SENSERT can connect to technology you already have, including several ATC/Diversified products and/or non-proprietary sensors. Output data is monitored in real-time and alerts are triggered based upon customizable thresholds.


SENSERT is engineered to monitor sensors in critical processes and provide alerts to the user in numerous environments. SENSERT
can be utilized in the following applications:

  • Water
  • Agriculture
  • Oil & Gas
  • Communications
  • Manufacturing
  • Electronics
  • Medical
  • Industrial
  • Electricity
  • Food & Beverage


•SENSERT reduces overall maintenance costs. Truly remote monitoring can be checked anywhere from a mobile device with the SENSERT mobile app. No more nights/weekends. Reduces or eliminates overtime.

•SENSERT reduces emergency repairs. Alerts for pre-set thresholds reduce surprises. Catch potential issues early, before downtime occurs. Manage minor problems before they become major repairs.

•SENSERT makes predictive maintenance a reality. By data logging and aggregating diverse information, know operating trends at a glance. Make future maintenance decisions based on actual data.

•SENSERT makes remote, whole-plant monitoring affordable. It uses non-proprietary sensors or products you already own, helping keep costs down. The system is also compatible with a wide range of conditions and can monitor multiple conditions simultaneously, from various locations.

You can make products you already have even smarter with SENSERT. Contact our team today to learn how.

2023-03-15T20:53:19+00:00February 21st, 2023|Informational, New Products, Shop|

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