What Does Daisy Chaining Mean for Power Supplies?

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Daisy chaining refers to a wiring scheme in which several devices, such as power supplies, are connected directly in series. This type of wiring is also referred to as “looping through”. This concept can be used both to achieve a higher total current and to transmit analog signals or digital data.

Is daisy chaining recommended for power supplies?

Before setting up a power supply system using the daisy chain method, it is essential to check the data sheet for the relevant type of power supply. Some power supplies do not allow direct connection of outputs. If this warning is ignored, there is a safety risk. It can lead to overloaded circuits and even fire hazard.

What is the alternative to daisy chaining?

A reliable alternative to daisy chaining is the usage of distribution terminals in the control cabinet. In this case, the outputs of the power supplies and the input of the load are connected to the distribution terminals. The total current is thus no longer limited by the maximum current allowed for the power supply terminals and can be higher.

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2023-03-16T16:43:08+00:00December 6th, 2022|Informational, Shop|

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