Wishing Mary Nowling a Happy Retirement!

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Congratulations on your retirement, Mary. We wish you all the best in your next chapter!

Mary Nowling has retired after 21 years of hard work and service at Lakeland Engineering Equipment Co.

Mary has always worked hard in and out of the office and has shown kindness to everyone. When she started in 2002, computers were still fairly new and she was the expert in helping anyone who needed it. She wore many hats during her time at Lakeland.

On to the Next Chapter

While she will miss her work family, it’s time that she relaxes and joins her husband in retirement. Some of her retirement activities include road-tripping, spending lots of time outdoors, bird-watching, and spending much more time with her family.

Lakeland had a wonderful time wishing Mary a farewell, with a May 4th-themed celebration. May the fourth be with you Nowling and forever!!!

2023-05-08T13:45:22+00:00May 5th, 2023|Employees, Events|

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